Order of Worship for Sunday, October 4, 2020
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time Hymn: 163 Wild and Lone the Prophet’s Voice Call to worship: Leader: Just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, All: so it is with Christ. Opening prayer of confession Gracious God, you have told us what is good; and what you require to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with you. And so we come before you as your children and remember our baptism: Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, do you turn from the ways of sin and renounce evil and its power in the world? I do. Do you turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Lord and Savior, trusting in his grace and love? I do. Will you be Christ’s faithful disciple, obeying his Word and showing his love? I will, with God’s help. Assurance of Pardon: Remember your baptism and be thankful. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, one God mother of us all. Amen. Scripture Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7 Hymn: 395 Christ is Made the Sure Foundation Scripture reading: Matthew 21:33-46 Reflection Apostle’s creed Prayers of the people and the Lord’s Prayer Offering Hymn: 507 Come to the Table of Grace The Lord’s Supper Benediction Hymn: 515 I Come with Joy
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