Help support our ministries with your tithes or offerings.
Just click on "Give" button to get started.
Just click on "Give" button to get started.

When you do, you'll see our online portal. The portal offers a number of options. You can choose to give to any or all of the following:
OPC General Fund
- This is the operating budget of the church. This money supports all the budgeted expenses of the church. This includes:
These funds make the work of the church possible.
Benevolences stock our Blessing Box and Blessing Line. Through these funds OPC supports the Love Outreach Food Pantry, the Clothes Closet, and Orange Habitat for Humanity.
Some of this money goes to the Christian Emergency Council and the Pastor's discretionary fund for emergencies. OPC is also part of the connectional Presbyterian Church (PCUSA). Benevolences support the larger work of the church within our state, our nation, and throughout the world.
Operating expenses
OPC, like any other organization has to pay for its utility use. We also need to compensate our paid staff for their work. Money from the general fund enables us to do this.
Plus it provides for the upkeep of our physical plant. Keeping our church in good repair provides a welcoming environment for worship, a safe place for the Orange Presbyterian Weekday School, and the various community organizations that meet at OPC.
Memorial Fund
This fund is for people who want to remember a loved one who was part of the OPC church family. Your donation in memory of someone is notated in our memorial book. And your memorial contribution is used for projects, ministries, and charities that honor your loved one's memory.
This is part of an on-going tradition at Orange Presbyterian Church. Every time a church member sits down for a meal, they put a nickel in a jar. This is a way to say thank you for God's bounty, and to remember those who have no food to eat. During the final hymn on the fourth Sunday of every month, we come forward to give those nickels (or their cash equivalent) to the church.
This donation is used specifically to feed the hungry. Part of the money collected remains at OPC to help stock the Blessing Box. Part of it goes to the Love Outreach Food Pantry. The rest goes to Presbytery to support their hunger ministries.
Organ Fund
Orange Presbyterian Church is in the process of upgrading its organ. The original part of the instrument is over 100 years old. The rest of it is over 60 years old. All of it is in serious need of repair and replacement.
We've undertaken the ambitious project of installing a hybrid electronic/acoustic organ. This will consist of an electronic console with speakers and an additional console that uses the 1,100 acoustic organ pipes already installed. Over half the cost of this project has been raised. But not all of it
Music has always been an important part of OPC's ministry. With this new organ, we hope to revitalize that ministry and keep it going strong throughout the 21st Century (and hopefully beyond).
Poinsettia Fund
This money pays for the live poinsettias the church purchases to decorate the church Christmas Eve. For a $10 donation, we will place an honorarium or memorium in the Christmas Eve service bulletin. Any funds collected beyond the cost of the poinsettias will go to the organ fund. If you wish to donate online, email admin-at-orangepc.org with the names you wish entered in the bulletin.
Need help getting started?
Below are links to two PDFs. One answers the most common questions about online giving through Give+.
The second explains how to get started with online giving through your smartphone.
Below are links to two PDFs. One answers the most common questions about online giving through Give+.
The second explains how to get started with online giving through your smartphone.