Sunday Worship for May 31, 2020
Pentecost Sunday Hymn: 280 O Spirit, Dwell Among Us Call to worship: (Psalm 104) Leader: I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; All: I will sing praise to my God while I have being. Leader: May my meditation be pleasing to God, for I rejoice in the LORD. All: Bless the LORD, O my soul. Praise the LORD! Opening prayer of confession Perplexing, Pentecostal God, you infuse us with your Spirit, urging us to vision and dream. But too often we do not listen to your voice. We abandon these visions and ignore these dreams. Forgive us. May the gift of your presence find voice in our lives, that our babbling may be transformed into discernment and the flickering of many tongues light an unquenchable fire of compassion and justice. (Silent Prayer) Amen. Assurance of Pardon We have found favor with this Perplexing, Pentecostal God. Know that you are forgiven and be at peace. Thanks be to God. Hymn: 733 We All Are One in Mission Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3-13 Reflection Apostle’s creed Prayers of the people and the Lord’s Prayer Offering Benediction Hymn: 66 Every Time I Feel the Spirit |
Rev. Rebekah Tucker-MotleyAn archive of video services lead by Rev. Tucker-Motley beginning in March 2020. Archives
June 2021