![]() “After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.” Luke 2:46-47 As Christians we are called to walk in the ways of Christ throughout our lives. We are called to model Jesus’ life here on earth. One of the things Jesus had in his life was an education. When Jesus was a young child, he learned, he asked questions, he grew in wisdom and stature. A few weeks ago, we celebrated back to school by giving the students and teachers notebooks and prayed over the new school year. Education is important to the Christian life. One of the ways we can support education in the Christian life is by offering thoughtful, discussion based, Christian education courses. In fact, part of the constitution of the PC(USA) – the Book of Order, tells us that, “God calls the Church to continue the teaching ministry of Jesus Christ, guiding and nurturing one another through all the seasons and transitions of life. In particular, the church offers opportunities for education and formation as members enter the community of faith, discover Christian vocation, and assume responsibility in the world. The church’s primary standard and resource for Christian nurture is the Word of God in Scripture, bearing witness to Christ’s way of truth and life.” (W-5.0203) ![]() Starting on September 22, OPC will once again offer thoughtful, discussion based, Christian Education courses. There is more information about what those courses will look like in this newsletter. I encourage you to participate in these offerings. It is important for the life of this worshiping body to come together and dig deeper into what we think about these difficult, theological questions we all have. The point of this is not to come out all thinking the same thing in utter agreement - what a boring class that would be! The point of coming together for educational opportunities is that iron sharpens iron. When we challenge each other and have civil discourse we are all growing and learning together. We might all leave with a different understanding than we had before. So, again, dear friends, I encourage you to attend these new educational offerings. It might be difficult to wake up and get to church earlier, but if we all come together with open hearts and open minds, we will be better for it. In Christ, Pastor Rebekah
February 2025