On Saturday, July 20, Rev. Rebekah Tucker-Motley was officially installed as pastor of Orange
Presbyterian Church. A commission of 6 people from the Presbytery of the James were here, as well as some elders from surrounding churches. Included in the commission were our own Rev. Lynne Clements (Westminster PC) and Rev. Liz Hulme Adam (Tabor PC). Leading the installation was Rev. Diane Prevary of Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church. Joining her were Rev. Walter Canter (Blue Ridge PC), Elder Steve Hicks (Mitchells PC), Elder Bucky Hill (Culpeper PC), and Elder May Saxton (Orange PC). Rev. Charles Tucker (Kirkwood PC), Rebekah’s father, gave an emotional sermon during the service.
![]() So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 New beginnings! This month has been a time of new beginnings for all of us. And what a month it has been! During my first month as your new pastor, I have attended my first committee meetings, moderated my first session meeting, and was welcomed for the first time into the Presbytery of the James at the presbytery meeting. And on top of that I have been meeting and getting to know all of you. Phew! This is a time of new beginnings and a time for God to lead us into a new chapter. For better or for worse, the old life has gone and a new life has begun here at Orange Presbyterian Church. And I am thrilled to be a part of it. Cameron, the boys and I already feel the love that surrounds us. While there will be times of growing pains, I trust that God will lead us to be stronger together. As Christians we are called to reconciliation. We have been reconciled with God through Christ and therefore need to seek reconciliation with one another. Because of this I want to encourage all of us to be open and honest in communion. It is important that we hear one another while we figure out this new life. Let us be open to changes while respecting traditions. Let us be loving in times of disagreement. Let us seek to give each other the benefit of the doubt. When trouble does arise, let us seek reconciliation. This is a new life that we are living together as the body of Christ. I trust you have all seen my office hours and hope you will make use of them. I will be in the office on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons. My Mondays are dedicated visiting Dogwood Village and shut-ins. Fridays are my dedicated days off. It is important for me to have this day for self-care so that I can come back the next week renewed and prepared. I will be available on Fridays for pastoral emergencies. Please know that I am also available by appointment. Yours in Christ Pastor Rebekah |
February 2025