![]() A few weeks ago we put out an appeal to the congregation. The supplies for the Blessing Box were running low. And you responded! Thanks for helping restock the box. Your generosity keeps this vital ministry alive. ![]() In Matthew 25, verses 37-40, it says, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you; or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me.” As we read this, and think about the coming of Advent, consider what you can do to help our OPC food ministry of the Blessing Box. The Advent calendar below is one way to help. You could take this on yourself, or with a friend. The idea is to provide 1 food item per day, Dec. 1 through Dec. 24. Bring it all to OPC for the Blessing Box ministry. Following is what we suggest:
Questions? Or need more information? Need someone to pick up the food from you? Contact Carol Sue Graves or Cindy Reid
![]() The Blessing Box has been re-opened! Mission & Outreach have some funds to purchase items, but several people have asked what or how they can donate to the Blessing Box. The storage closet off the East Room has been cleaned out and re-organized. If you have any non-perishable goods you wish to donate, please leave them outside the storage closet, on the pew. We'll sanitize them, and re-stock. Right now, needed items include toothpaste, peanut butter & jelly, boxed macaroni & cheese, shampoo, & cereal. If you have any questions, contact the office or Carole Sue. ![]() As part of our Matthew 25 commitment, we continue using the Blessing Box. Your contributions are welcome. Please fill the Blessing Box or leave items in the narthex. There are other opportunities to feed our neighbors. The Love Outreach Food Pantry always welcomes contributions and help. We are also exploring how to partner with existing ministries in town. One idea is to help host a weekly meal at the Church of the Nazarene for the elderly. Keep an eye on your bulletins and future newsletters for information to come! ![]() The Blessing Line project has been extended through February. Many items have been taken, showing that there is a need for this project in our town! We continue to accept hats, scarves, and gloves. There is a basket in the East Room for new or gently used donations. Our Blessing Box, also a Matthew 25 project, is being used regularly as well. It needs to be restocked several times a week. Families need all kinds of things, including non-perishable foods, toiletries, and Tylenol. We would love your help restocking our closet. Look in the narthex for a basket in which to place your donations. |
February 2025