Mission and outreach committee

The Mission and Outreach Committee at Orange Presbyterian Church is one of the busiest. It's responsible for many of the outward-facing events, activities, and projects of the church.
The committee works within the PCUSA and with other organizations and groups to minister to needs of others. This committee also spearheads many of OPC's Matthew 25 initiatives.
Some of the Mission and Outreach responsibilities include:
Mission and Outreach Committee Initiatives in 2019-2020
Special Offerings
The committee works within the PCUSA and with other organizations and groups to minister to needs of others. This committee also spearheads many of OPC's Matthew 25 initiatives.
Some of the Mission and Outreach responsibilities include:
- Identify benevolent causes the church should support.
- Identify needs in the local community and respond to them, as with the Blessing Box and the Blessing Line.
- Organize and run an annual Christmas Bazaar to raise funds for local services and programs.
- Support the community’s social service programs, such as the Food Pantry, and Habitat for Humanity. The committee can also help organize congregation volunteers for these programs.
- Support the Christian Emergency Council financially and with volunteers.
- Help members find ways to provide Christian service through their occupations.
- Be responsible for the special offerings made on behalf of the General Assembly and Presbytery. Such offerings include the One Great Hour of Sharing in March, the Pentecost offering, and the Christmas Joy Gift Offering. The committee identifies to Session which offerings to support each year, and is responsible for the promotion and collection of funds.
Mission and Outreach Committee Initiatives in 2019-2020
Special Offerings
- Pentacost Offering to support at-risk children and young adults. 40% of the offering remains with OPC for use with local ministries and organizations.
- One Great Hour of Sharing-- supports Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People
- Peace and Global Witness Offering - equipping peacemakers in congregations to address conflict and injustice. 25% of the offering remains with OPC for local peace-making efforts.
- Christmas Joy Gift - provides support for leadership development in communities of color and support for PCUSA church workers in times of need.
- 5 Cents a Meal Offering (Centsability) - to support the fight against hunger. 25% of the offering remains with OPC for hunger ministries; the remainder is sent to Presbytery to be used regionally.
- Medical Benevolence Fund - The MBF is dedicated to providing sustainable medical to the poor around the globe.
- Presbyterian Childrens Home of the Highlands - The Home provides a place for children removed from their homes and families. The Home works with the children's families and other significant people in their lives to facilitate a safe return to their home.
- OPC Blessing Box - a place for people to receive emergency food. "Take what you need and leave what you can."
- OPC Blessing Line - a place where people can find mittens, hats, underwear, socks, and other essential clothing
- Partnership with Presbyterian Weekday School
- Sponsor the Elinor and Jean Scholarship fund for the Weekday School
- Support the local branch of Habitat for Humanity
- Love Outreach Food Pantry
- Clothes Closet
- Red Cross Blood Drive